Home » Gay Porn » Gay Movie » Boy For Sale – Chapter 15 – Slave Boy – The Boy Austin – Master Armstrong

Boy For Sale – Chapter 15 – Slave Boy – The Boy Austin – Master Armstrong

Seeing Austin in his cage was a unique thrill for me. Probably more for me than any other owner could have. I had watched this boy grow into the young man he is now. And even though he’s still small for his age, seeing him in there reminded me of how tiny he used to be. The sweet boy I’d tuck into bed and calm from nightmares, now locked up from his little cage like an untrained puppy…

It was a heady experience walking up to him, torn in so many directions of how to feel and what to do. My heart swelled seeing my boy so protected and safe, but my cock became harder than I would have expected. Something about seeing little Austin as my slave, my property and possession, made me go far beyond horny and into more devious territory!

I took him out of his cage, giving him the chance to stretch his legs before instructing him to remove my clothes. He’d gotten used to this by now; taking off my pants and shirt and seeing my body fully exposed. It was awkward for him at first, but I could tell he wanted it. His cock swelled up as he gazed upon the bulge in my white briefs, fully aware of the daddy dick that it held. He could probably even smell it, the thought of which only aroused me even more.