Home » Gay Porn » Gay Movie » MormonBoyz – Elder Clarke – The Jealousy Cure with Elder Jones and Elder Hanson

MormonBoyz – Elder Clarke – The Jealousy Cure with Elder Jones and Elder Hanson

Elder Jones watched as his two companions locked lips with each other, tasting each other for the first time. It seemed impossible for such an event to happen before his meetings with President Lewis, but now, he sat back and enjoyed the show…

Elder Hansen and he had been companions before he came to live with Elder Clarke. It was always strange to him how they were partnered up, but he and Hansen knew they liked each other right from the beginning. They’d never gone beyond lying in bed together and talking late into the night, something that was forbidden even in the most innocent of settings.

But he knew it was more than just two teenage boys becoming friends. He had feelings. Strong feelings. Feelings he was too scared to even name, let alone act upon. And just as soon as he felt like Hansen was meeting him there in that unspoken place, they were separated.

Elder Clarke has been a good replacement. Especially since Clarke wasted no time in trying to out-do what Elder Hansen could not. Clarke was quick to pull off his companion’s pants and take his raw cock up his tight hole. Perhaps it was missing Hansen or perhaps it was the feeling of cumming deep inside someone (or a little of both), but Elder Jones felt a strong love for his new companion almost immediately.

Everything seemed to be going well and only got better once the news came that Elder Hansen would have to come stay with them for a little while. Hansen’s companion was sick and the church did not want to put Hansen in a position to get sick as well. The idea of seeing Hansen again filled Jones’ heart… as well as his loins.